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Chanel and Pharrell Williams on Tuesday dropped cheap louis vuitton bags from china uk the world's most exclusive sneakers and Justin Timberlake was 1:1 replica handbags the first to snag a pair. The "SexyBack" singer, who is working with Williams on his new album, caused a sensation by popping in to Colette for a party celebrating Chanel's takeover of the Paris concept store.
Posing with Williams and Chanel creative director Karl Lagerfeld, Timberlake proudly brandished a Chanel bag containing the 1,000 euro sneakers designed by Williams in collaboration with Chanel and Adidas Originals, as an offshoot of his ongoing collaboration with the German sporting goods firm.
replica louis vuitton "Officially, it's the first time to my knowledge that the Chanel name has appeared on a product made by another brand, so it's true that this makes it something replica louis vuitton bags very special," she said.
A bailiff will select 500 people, who will receive confirmation e mails on Thursday with instructions for purchasing the shoes. released exclusively at the ComplexCon event this month was already being offered for $10,000.
But he was replica designer handbags philosophical about the sneaker craze. "At the end of the day, they're just shoes," he mused.
Bruno Pavlovsky, president of fashion at Chanel, described the collaboration as a "gift" for Colette, which is closing its doors for good on Dec. 20. Chanel plans to donate profits from Fake Louis Vuitton Replica Bags the pop up to charities supported by the replica louis vuitton bags from china Chanel Foundation, which aims to support women as agents of social change throughout the world.
Williams has a long standing collaboration with the French luxury brand. He is one of the ambassadors of its Gabrielle handbag, has walked in its runway shows, and appeared in a movie directed by Lagerfeld for which he wrote an original song. The cheap louis vuitton bags from china sneaker collaboration marks his first joint design with the house.
"It was a dream they both had to be able to do something like that very quickly, and it's true that it happened very easily, very quickly and quite spontaneously, and that's why everyone is happy to see this," Pavlosky said. "I am incapable of telling you if it can happen again or not. We function according to our wishes."
The executive stopped short of calling the sneaker the world's most exclusive. "That would be good," he said with a smile. "In any event, it is the most in demand sneaker of the day. The orders are from all over the world, which demonstrates the planetary aura of Pharrell, Karl and Chanel."
Andelman said she regretted that the thriving resale market was turning sneaker launches into speculatory opportunities.
"We had people standing in line three weeks before the launch. People were sleeping in front of the store to be the first in line in the event that was a 'first come first serve' situation. And we wanted to avoid that, because the people who are camping out do it for the sole purpose of reselling," she said.
"I'm thinking of previous events we've done with Pharrell where people were excited, but it was more about taking a picture with him and getting him to sign shoes. With the launch of Louis Vuitton's [collaboration with] high quality replica handbags china Supreme, it's become another market that fake designer bags people live off. And we are in a situation where we don't know what the solution is to fight against that," Andelman added.
"It's become sad because people get into physical fights. It's a question of money for them. high quality designer replica handbags It's speculation. And in the Perfect Quality Louis Vuitton Replica middle of that, there are still sincere people who just want to wear the shoes," she concluded.
The handpicked crowd that earlier in the day attended the taping of Chanel's 3.55 podcast, featuring Williams being interviewed by French journalist Daphn Hzard, was clearly made up of the latter camp fans lined up afterward for selfies and to have their footwear autographed.
After the broadcast wrapped, Williams sat down with WWD to discuss quantum physics, sneakermania and why the future is female:
WWD: You've done absolutely everything with Chanel. Did it feel like designing product was the missing link in your relationship with the brand?
Pharrell Williams: You could say that it was, but I didn't think that. I just was happy to try it, you know. I've been honored to just work with them as long as we have, doing all the different things that we have, and to have them jump out the window and do sneakers with me was so cool.
WWD: I think it's the first time Chanel has collaborated with another brand, because this links them with Adidas through you.
WWD: So you're breaking ground for a brand with a history of more than 100 years. Then there's another message that says: "God Is the Greatest." And "Others First." WWD: You often talk about the importance of spirituality in your process. For me, God is the universe. When they say, "God is everywhere at once," some people say, "Well, how could that be?" The only way that that makes sense is if God was everywhere, meaning, we were inside of God. Now, I'm sure there are some cells in your fingertips that don't think that you actually have a leg, or that there are other cells on the other side of your body, and they'll never think that. In fact, they don't even know that they're inside of a body. And, if you think about it, fish are the same way. If you told a fish that there is such a thing as water, it would argue with you, until it died and floated to the top, it got fished or washed ashore. That's my belief.
WWD: So you have a very Buddhist view of things. I mean, scientists say there's more than three dimensions, there's up to 11, if you ask the top astrophysicists. Well, if there are 11 dimensions, what else is out there? But the hubris of the human being is, "Well, if I can't see it, it doesn't exist." But tell that to paper, which has no idea that we're here, because we're three dimensional and it is not. It's two dimensional. Or a dot, which is one dimensional. So for me, I dare not have that hubris, especially when I feel what I feel. I feel something beyond this dimension. I feel something greater and bigger than I could ever understand, so I appreciate it, and even if that boils down to just math that I can't comprehendI'm going to still honor it because I live and exist within it. That's me. That's my belief.
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